Hey Calgary! Join us for Fashion Revolution Week April 23-29! This year’s campaign marks the 5th year anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which shook the fashion world and ignited the world’s biggest fashion activism movement for a fairer, safer, fashion industry. Since Fashion Revolution started, people from all over the world have used their voice and their power to tell brands that things must change. And it’s working. Brands are listening and being more open about where their clothes are made. More manufacturers are making their factories safer. More producers are being seen and heard. But the story is far from over. We are only just getting started. We can’t stop until every garment worker who makes the clothes we love is seen, heard, paid properly and working in safe conditions. Your voice makes a difference. We need this Fashion Revolution to be bigger and bolder than ever. Join us for Fashion Revolution Week 23-29th April and ask brands #whomademyclothes? Visit maineethics.com and follow @maineethics for more information about #FashRevYYC events!